Best Seo Checker for website in 2024

What does it check?

Our SEO checker tool looks at different parts of a website to see how well it's set up for search engines like Google. Here's what it checks:

Title and Description:

It looks at the title and description of the website to make sure they're just the right length. These are important because they tell people and search engines what the website is about.


The tool checks if the website uses important words related to its topic. These words, called keywords, help search engines understand what the website is about.

Canonical URL:

This checks if the website has a preferred URL. Having a preferred URL helps avoid confusion when search engines look at the website.


This makes sure the website has a file that tells search engines which pages to look at and which ones to ignore.

Language and Charset Encoding:

It checks what language the website is in and how the letters are encoded. This helps search engines show the website to the right people.


This checks if the website is made using the latest web standards. Following these standards helps make sure the website works well on different devices.


This makes sure the website has a little icon that shows up in the browser tab. It makes the website easier to recognize.

Mobile Optimization:

It checks if the website works well on phones and tablets. Many people use their phones to search the internet, so it's important that websites look good on them.


This checks different things about the website's web address, like its length and whether it's a main part of a bigger website or not.

Webpage Performance:

This looks at how well the website performs, like how fast it loads and how easy it is to use. Websites that load quickly and work well are more likely to show up in search results.


It checks if the website has pictures and if those pictures have descriptions. Pictures with descriptions help people who can't see them understand what they're about.

Link Structure:

This looks at how different parts of the website are connected. Websites with good connections between pages are easier for people and search engines to navigate.

External Links:

This counts how many links on the website go to other websites. Having some links to other websites can be good, but having too many might not be.

HTTP Redirects:

This checks if the website sends people to a different web address. Making sure people end up in the right place is important for both users and search engines.


This checks if the website includes other websites inside it. Including other websites can be useful, but it's important to do it in a way that doesn't cause problems.

Search Preview:

This shows what the website looks like when it shows up in search results. Having a good preview can make people more likely to click on the website.


This checks how well the website works, like how many words it has and how big its files are. Websites that work well are more likely to show up in search results.


It checks if the website has pictures and if those pictures have descriptions. Pictures with descriptions help people who can't see them understand what they're about.

Link Structure:

This looks at how different parts of the website are connected. Websites with good connections between pages are easier for people and search engines to navigate.

External Links:

This counts how many links on the website go to other websites. Having some links to other websites can be good, but having too many might not be.

So why wait? Give it a try now and unlock the secrets of website optimization!